
Download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0
Download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0

download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0

Images over 100kb, missing alt text, alt text over 100 characters. Images – All URLs with the image link & all images from a given page.AJAX – Select to obey Google’s now deprecated AJAX Crawling Scheme.Rendering – Crawl JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and React, by crawling the rendered HTML after JavaScript has executed.Outlinks – View all pages a URL links out to, as well as resources.Inlinks – View all pages linking to a URL, the anchor text and whether the link is follow or nofollow.hreflang Attributes – Audit missing confirmation links, inconsistent & incorrect languages codes, non canonical hreflang and more.Redirect Chains – Discover redirect chains and loops.Follow & Nofollow – View meta nofollow, and nofollow link attributes.Pagination – View rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes.

download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0

  • X-Robots-Tag – See directives issued via the HTTP Headder.
  • Canonicals – Link elements & canonical HTTP headers.
  • Meta Refresh – Including target page and time delay.
  • Meta Robots – Index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet etc.
  • H2 – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple headings.
  • H1 – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple headings.
  • Word Count – Analyse the number of words on every page.
  • Crawl Depth – View how deep a URL is within a website’s architecture.
  • Last-Modified Header – View the last modified date in the HTTP header.
  • Response Time – View how long pages take to respond to requests.
  • download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0

  • Meta Keywords – Mainly for reference or regional search engines, as they are not used by Google, Bing or Yahoo.
  • Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple descriptions.
  • Page Titles – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple title elements.
  • Duplicate Pages – Discover exact and near duplicate pages using advanced algorithmic checks.
  • URL Issues – Non ASCII characters, underscores, uppercase characters, parameters, or long URLs.
  • Security – Discover insecure pages, mixed content, insecure forms, missing security headers and more.
  • External Links – View all external links, their status codes and source pages.
  • Blocked Resources – View & audit blocked resources in rendering mode.
  • Blocked URLs – View & audit URLs disallowed by the robots.txt protocol.
  • Redirects – Permanent, temporary, JavaScript redirects & meta refreshes.
  • Errors – Client errors such as broken links & server errors (No responses, 4XX client & 5XX server errors).

  • Download the new version for apple Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.0